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From a young age, I've been passionate about becoming an amputee physical therapy specialist. This lifelong commitment traces back to elementary school and a pivotal moment in our nation's history.

After September 11, 2001, my uncle reenlisted in the Army, leading me to closely follow the news.


The news coverage introduced me to the remarkable stories of injured service members returning home to rehabilitate at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. As a young child, I was captivated by their journey to relearn how to walk with artificial limbs. It was at that moment that I knew I wanted to become a physical therapist dedicated to helping individuals regain their mobility using prosthetic devices.


Over the years, I tracked advancements in prosthetic technology and rehabilitation methods. I tailored my education, dedicated time to volunteering, and focused my early career on gaining clinical exposure to prosthetic rehabilitation. Through experience in both outpatient and inpatient physical therapy settings, I recognized a gap in access to expert amputee rehabilitation within my community.


Motivated by a desire to make a difference and ensure that no amputee ever feels isolated on their journey, I founded Align Rehabilitation. Here, I aim to share my clinical expertise with my community, offering the specialized care and support needed for individuals seeking to regain their independence and mobility after limb amputation.

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My Uncle Vinny serving with the 82nd Airborne Division during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Michelle Jamin, PT, DPT, Amputee Physical Therapy Specialist


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